Persons mentioned in either
Remembering Milledgeville: Historic Tales from Georgia's Antebellum Capitall
Civil War Milledgeville: Tales from the Confederate Capital of Georgia
Abbott, Annie
Adams, Frances “Fannie”
Adams, John
Adams, Sam
Adkinson, Marion
Alexander, Archibald H.
Allaman, James
Allen, Isabel
Allen, J.T.
Allen, Jessie
Allen, Judge
Allen, Mrs. H.D.
Ames, C.T.
Andrews, L.H.
Anna, General Santa
Anton, J.
Archer, Jimmy
Arnold, Benedict
Arnold, Colonel Benedict
Arnold, Obadiah
Atcheson, Charles
Baird, General Absolom
Baker, W.
Barnes, M.A.
Barnes, Sarah
Bass, H.W.
Bates, Gilbert H.
Batton, Charles
Bayne, Ed
Beall, Jesse
Beckham, Mickey
Beckham, Samuel
Berrien, Judge
Berry, George
Berry, John
Bethune, B.T.
Bethune, Josephine
Beub, Ed.
Bill, Dr. Joseph Howland
Bird, Thompson
Bivins, Ann
Bivins, Maggie
Bivins, Shadrack
Bland, Marshal
Bland, Nylic
Bland, Ruby
Blount, Reverend Richard M. Bone, Mrs. Willie Thomas
Bonner, Charles E.
Bonner, Jim
Bonner, Richard
Bowie, Jim
Boykin, Samuel
Bragg, General Braxton
Bragg, John R.
Brantley, Reverend Edward
Breedlove, Mr.
Brewer, Matthew
Briscoe, Colonel
Brooks, Emmett
Brown, C.I.
Brown, George A.
Brown, Governor Joseph
Brown, Julius
Brown, Mark
Bryan, Nellie
Buck, J.A.
Buckner, James T.
Bumppo, Natty
Burch, Mr.
Burgamy, Anne Buckner
Burgoyne, General John
Burnet, Miss
Burr, Aaron
Bustin, Elenor
Butts, J. Wallace
Butts, Mrs. A.I.
Byner, Ernest
Byrom, Henry
Callaway, Dr.
Campbell, Robert Memminger
Cannell, Hugh
Cape, Elisha B.
Capers, Francis W.
Caraker, Captain Jacob W.
Caraker, Jacob
Cardonna, Mademoiselle
Carnes, Thomas Petters
Carr, Arthur
Carter, John M.
Case, C.L.
Case, Dr.
Case, Dr. George D.
Case, George D.
Cavit, Frederick
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence
Chatham, Earl of
Chitty, Ruth A.
Clark, Edward M.
Clark, George
Clark, Governor John
Clark, John W.R.
Clarke, Old Mrs.
Cline, P.J.
Cline, Peter J.
Clinton, Henry
Cobb, Ty
Collins, David
Colquitt, Judge Walter T.
Commander, Ringold
Compton, Lyman H.
Cone, Judge
Conn, Charles
Connolly, James A.
Cook, Major Phil
Cooke, Nicholas
Coolidge, President Calvin
Cooper, James Fenimore
Cornwallis, General
Cornwallis, Lord
Cotting, David
Cotting, John Ruggles
Covelli, Charles
Crawford, C.P.
Crawford, Dr. George
Crawford, Mrs. C.P.
Crawford, Thomas H.
Cresap, Michael
Crockett, Davy
Cushing, Isaac T.
Czar of Russia
d’Estaing, Count
Davis, Jefferson
Dawes, William
Decatur, Stephen
deGraffenreid, Boswell B.
Doles, George P.
Doles, Minnie
Doles, Sarah
Dortch, Helen
DuBignon, Ann
Duncan, Captain
Duncan, Henry
Dunnagan, Senator
Dyer, John B.
Early, Judge Peter
Edwards, Sarah Frances
Edwards, Warren
Elbert, Colonel Samuel
Ellis, J.R.
Ellis, Thomas M.
Ellison, Oliver
Ennis, C.W.
Ennis, Elias N. “Sam”
Ennis, P.T. “Doshe”
Erwin, U.M.
Etheridge, William R.
Ethridge, M.W.
Eugenie, Mademoiselle
Fair, Colonel Peter
Fair, Judge Peter
Fair, Thomas
Fannin, James W.
Fanny, wife of Old Jim
Fenn, W.R.
Fields, Senator
Filipowski, Alexandra
Fish, Agnes
Fleharty, Stephen
Flinn, Reverend
Flournoy, Polly
Flournoy, William
Floyd, General John
Foard, Dr. Andrew J.
Fogle, Jacob
Fort, Dr. Tomlinson
Franklin, Benjamin
Furman, John H.
Fussell, William
Gardner, Floride
Gates, General Horatio
Gause, Charles W.
Gause, Richard
George III, King of England
Gerry, Elbridge
Gholson, J.E.
Gibson, C.M.
Gibson, James A.
Goddard, Fanny
Goddard, Joel
Goode, Samuel W.
Goodson, J.W.
Green, James J.
Greene, General Nathanael
Grieve, Miller, Jr.
Gue, F.M.
Gwinnett, Button
Haas, John
Hall, Dr. W.H.
Hall, Thomas H.
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, Frank
Hammond, Abner
Hammond, John
Hammond, Sarah
Hancock, John
Hanger, James E.
Hardeman, Dr. John
Hardy, Oliver
Harkless, Mr.
Harrell, Willis
Harrington, Sue
Harrington, William Henry
Harris, Dr. I.L.
Harris, Dr. Iverson L.
Harris, George
Harris, Iverson L.
Harris, John
Harris, Judge Iverson L.
Harris, Judge Iverson Louis
Harris, William A.
Hawley, William H.
Haygood, Charles Jr.
Haygood, Charles N.
Haygood, Dixie
Haygood, Dixie Jarratt
Haygood, William
Hendrix, H.E.
Herndon, Frank Marion
Herty, Bernard R.
Herty, Charles Holmes
Herty, Dr. James William
Herty, J.W.
Herty, James W.
Hewitt, W.C.
Hill, David B.
Hill, George
Hill, Professor D.H. Jr.
Hines, Edward R.
Hitler, Adolf
Holland, Harry
Holmes, Ducky
Holmes, Sherlock
Horne, A.J.
Horne, Louise
Horne, Mary
Horne, Mayor
Horry, General Peter
Horton, Edmond
Howard, General
Howard, Gordon
Howard, Mary F.
Humber, Lula
Humber, Mary
Humber, R.C.
Humphrey, Mrs.
Hunt, Benjamin W.
Hunter, James
Hunter, R.L.
Hurst, Lulu
Hutcherson, J.M.
Hutchings, Ada
Hutchings, Rebecca
Ivey, R.D.
Jackson, President Andrew
Jackson, Snovey
Jarratt, William A.
Jarratt, William D.
Jefferson, President Thomas
Jefferson, Thomas
Jemison, Edwin F.
Jemison, Sam
Jenkins, Mansfield
Jenner, Dr. Edward
Jim, Old
Joel, Yoel
Johnson, John
Johnson, Mark
Johnson, Mary
Johnson, Nancy
Johnson, President Andrew
Johnson, Thomas
Johnston, General
Johnston, General Joseph E.
Jones, Captain
Jones, David
Jones, Jacob
Jones, John
Jordan, Benjamin S.
Jordan, Elizabeth Taylor
Jordan, Green Hill
Jordan, James K.
Jordan, Leonidas
Josef, Emperor Franz
Joseph, Adolph
Joseph, Margaret
Joyner, William E.
Judge, Thomas
Kelly, James Rufus
Kenan, Augustus Holmes
Kenan, Lewis H.
Kenan, Sarah
King, Martin Luther
Kirkpatrick, John
Kreutz, Henry E.
Lafayette, General Marquis de
LaFitte, Ed
Lamar, LQC
Lamar, Lucius James
Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus
Lamar, Richard
Lamar, Sarah Bird
Lane, Caro
Lane, E.P.
Lane, Joseph
Lane, Mrs. Wm. H.
Launitz, Robert E.
Lee, R.E.
Lee, Richard Henry
Lee, Robert
Lee, Robert E.
Legare, Frank Washington
Lemmons, John
Lester, David
Lester, Dennis
Lincoln, Abe
Lincoln, Benjamin
Little, J.F.
Livingston, Janet
Locke, Abner
Lofton, W.A.
Longstreet, General James
Longstreet, Helen Dortch
Longstreet, Louisa
Lovejoy, B.
Lumpkin, Judge Joseph
Lumpkin, William
Lyman, Daniel
Mabry, J.
Madison, President James
Malloy, Reverend
Mapp, F.B.
Mapp, Frank
Marion, Francis
Markwater, Theodore
Marlor, John
Marsh, Clayton H.
Mason, Carrie
Mason, James M.
Massey, Dr. Robert J.
Mathews, Charles
McAdoo, William Gibbs
McClellen, General George
McComb, Frederick
McComb, Mark H.
McComb, Robert
McComb, Robert A.
McCombs, Robert
McCrary, Bartley
McElvoy, Representative
McIntosh, General Lachlan
McIntosh, George
McKinley, Cadet Captain William
McKinley, President William
McLeod, John
McMillan, Tom
Meadors, John N.
Meadows, J.N.
Meadows, Peter
Mercer, Roland
Micklejohn, Andrew J.
Mitchell, David Brydie
Mitchell, Matt
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard Law
Montgomery, General Richard
Moore, Mrs. Charles
Moore, Mrs. R.B.
Morgan, Daniel
Moseley, Warren Alonzo
Murphy, James F.
Myrick, Goodwin Dowdell
Myrick, James Dowdell
Myrick, Sallie
Myrick, Stith
Myrick, Stith P.
Nailor, Mr.
Nelson, Margaret
Newell, Tomlinson Fort
Nichols, George Ward
Nichols, Kate
Nisbet, A.D.
Northen, William
Nosworthy, J.M.
O’Daniel, Dr.
Oates, William C.
Orme, Abby
Orme, Richard M.
Otis, James
Palmer, Miss
Pasteur, Dr. Louis
Peale, Charles Willson
Pemberton, A.H.
Pemberton, Francis
Perkins, George W.
Perry, H.
Philips, Pleasant J.
Pickett, Richard
Pitt, William
Plattney, Hiram
Pottle, Joseph E.
Pottle, Mary
Powell, Dr.
Powell, Dr. T.O.
Pratt, George Henry
Prosser, John
Prosser, Thomas
Putnam, General Israel
Ramsey, Judge
Ramsey, Owen
Ray, William D.
Reddy, Isham
Reese, General Augustus
Reese, Seaborn
Reid, S.A.
Revere, Paul
Riddle, A.J.
Robbins, Anna H.
Roberts, Ezekiel A.
Roberts, Frances
Roberts, James
Roberts, R.W.
Roberts, W.H.
Robertson, Felix
Robertson, James
Robinson, Solomon
Rogers, Aaron
Rogers, Ferebe
Roosevelt, Teddy
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rucker, Nap
Sam, Big
Sanford, F.H.
Sanford, General John W.A.
Sanford, Hershel V.
Sanford, Judge D.B.
Sanford, Richard H.
Sanford, Sol
Saylor, William F.
Schley, Governor William
Schuyler, General Philip
Scogin, John
Scott, George W.
Scott, John B.
Scott, W.H.
Seward, William
Shafter, General William R.
Sherman, General
Sherman, General William Tecumseh
Sibley, Erwin
Sibley, John A.
Sibley, Josie
Simmons, Dr. Benjamin Judson
Sims, Dr.
Singleton, John
Skinner, Jacob
Slater, Clementine
Slidell, John
Smith, Alfred E.
Smith, Dr.
Smith, Fred
Smith, G.
Smith, Green M.
Smith, Gustavus W.
Smith, L.J.
Smith, Lemuel
Smith, Levin J.
Smith, Solomon
Smith, Thomas
Snead, John T.
Snelling, David R.
Snelling, Elizabeth Lester
Snelling, William B.
Spalding, James
Spalding, Sarah
Spalding, Thomas
Speights, Levi
Spencer, George
Staley, Joseph
Stapleton, Senator
Stewart, Dr.
Stout, Dr. Samuel Hollingsworth
Strother, John R.
Stubbs, Baradel P.
Stubbs, Baradell
Supple, James
Talbert, Benjamin
Talbert, Joseph
Talbert, Rebeccah
Talmadge, Herman
Talmadge, Reverend Samuel K.
Tant, Bardy
Tapley, William
Tarleton, Colonel Banastre
Thacher, Dr. James
Thomas, Bryan Morel
Thomas, E.H.
Thomas, Eliza
Thomas, James
Thomas, Jett
Thomas, John Sherrod
Thomas, Martha
Thornton, Reddick
Tillory, William
Todd, Scott
Torrence, W.H.
Troutman, Hiram
Troutman, Joanna
Troutman, John
Trumbull, Jonathan
Tucker, Adele Louise
Tucker, W.J.
Tucker, William Henry
Turner, Green B.
Turner, Jacob P.
Twain, Mark
Vance, Dr. Patrick
Villa, Pancho
Vinson, Carl
Walcutt, Charles C.
Wales, Prince of
Walker, Henry
Walker, Samuel
Wall, R.L.
Walls, E.H.
Ward, Benjamin C.
Ward, Colonel
Warren, General Joseph
Warrington, Lewis
Washington, General George
Wayne, General Anthony
Wayne, Henry C.
Wayne, Isaac
Wayne, Margarita
Weems, John B.
Weems, Mason Locke
Weller, Captain
West, Joseph
West, Thomas
Whaley, Mary
Wheeler, General
Wheeler, General Joe
Wheeler, Joe
Wheeler, Simon
Whilden, G.T.
Whilden, George T.
Whitaker, Dr.
Whitaker, Dr. J.C.
Whitaker, Dr. J.M.
Whitaker, J.M.
Whitaker, Maggie
Whitaker, Simon
White, Dr. Benjamin Aspinwall
White, Dr. Samuel G.
White, Professor H.C.
White, Samuel Gore
Whitfield, Solicitor General
Wilcox, Columbus
Wilhelm, Kaiser
Wilkes, Captain
Wilkinson, Dawson
Wilkinson, James
Williams, Augustus Parke
Williams, Peter J.
Williamson, W.
Wilson, Carlos
Wilson, Carlos G.
Wilson, Dr. Robert
Wilson, Eleanor
Wilson, Horace
Wilson, Merritt
Wilson, President Woodrow
Windsor, T.T.
Winn, J.M.
Withers, General Jones M.
Wood, Mordicai W.
Wren, James J.
Wright Brothers
Wright, Pryor
Wynne, A.F.
Young, James
Young, Representative
Zachry, Alfred Flournoy
Zachry, James
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