Hugh has various interests including history, cemetery preservation, and antique guns. Some of his literary work flows into these areas.
History and Miscellaneous
Historic Memory Hill Cemetery, Milledgeville, Georgia, 1804-1997, co-edited with Susan J. Harrington and Floride Moore Gardner, 1998. Published by Boyd Publishing Company, Milledgeville, GA (759 pages).
This book provides an every-name index to Milledgeville's first city cemetery, from 1804 on, including 1807 to 1868 (when Milledgeville was the capital of Georgia). The book also provides maps for locating graves and a brief tour of the cemetery.
The Dead Book: Burials in the City Cemetery, Milledgeville, Georgia, 1869-1904, co-edited with Susan J. Harrington, 1998. Published by Boyd Publishing Company, Milledgeville, GA (165 pages).
This book is a transcription of the city's record of burials in Milledgeville's first city cemetery, from 1869 to 1904. It contains the name, birth place, age, cause of death, race, and death date of each individual. The book includes the names of many people who are not in the Historic Memory Hill Cemetery book above, for many people are in unmarked graves.
Methodist Church Record Books, Milledgeville, Georgia 1811-1876, 1997. Published by Boyd Publishing Company, Milledgeville, GA (307 pages).
Julia Force, Victorian Murderess, Georgia Backroads, Summer 2010, volume 9, number 2, p. 15-17. (written with GeGee Guy).
John C. Calhoun's Casket, Carologue, vol. 25, number 2, Fall 2009, page 24-25.
Oakdale Cemetery, Where Angels and Morals Meet, Review of DVD, Association for Gravestone Studies, vol. 33, number 1, Winter 2009, p. 19.
One-Legged Rufus Kelly Defends the Little Town of Gordon – Alone, Georgia Backroads, Winter 2005, vol. 4, number 4, p. 36-38, (written with Alexandra Filipowska).
The Murder of Eleanor Bustin, and the Legend of Justice Lamar’s Suicide, Georgia Backroads, Autumn 2005, vol. 4, number 3, p. 18-22 (written with Eileen Babb McAdams).
Was Michael Shaw Hanged For A Crime He Did Not Commit?, Georgia Backroads,
Spring 2005, vol. 4, number 1.p. 17-21.
Murder on Main Street, In Defense of a Lady's
Honor, Georgia Backroads, Winter, 2004, vol. 3, number 4, p. 32+.
The Murder of Abner Zachry, Georgia Backroads,
Autumn, 2004, vol. 3, number 3, p 53-55.
The Unusual Case of the Murder
of Lemuel Smith, Georgia Backroads,
Vol. 2, No. 2, Summer 2003, p. 20.
The Finney-Stanley Shooting, Georgia Backroads,
Vol. 1, No. 4, Winter 2002, p. 48-49.
Milledgeville's Unusual Kenan-Strother
Shootings, Georgia Backroads, Vol. 1, No. 3, Autumn 2002, p 35-39. (written
with Lisa Ennis).
Shooting and Guns
Buffington Sight Adjustment Tool For The Trapdoor Springfield, The Single
Shot Exchange, August 2005, vol. 15, number 2, p. 44-46.
My First Rifle Waits 45 Years to be Fired, The Single Shot Exchange,
July 2005, vol. 15, number 1, p. 26-30.
"The Legendary Tim Murphy, Marksman of
Bemis Heights" has been reprinted as "The Man Who Shot Simon Fraser,
The Legendary Tim Murphy, Marksman of Bemis Heights" published in The Friends
of Saratoga Battlefield newsletter The Battlements, Vol. 16, No. 1, Spring
2004, p. 1.
Book Review: The Courage to be Free, by Charleton Heston, Muzzle
Blasts, February 2002, p. 64.(Written with Lisa A. Ennis)